Fenugreek seeds (methi dana) has long been used in the Indian household for cooking purposes. These yellowish-brown seeds are imbued with a pleasant flavor and a powerful aroma evocative of curry powder. These seeds not only add a delicate flavor to the simplest of dishes but totally gives a new dimension to these dishes. Apart from the delectable flavor these, these seeds naturally comes with a number of health benefits. Outlined below are some of the benefits of fenugreek for skin, hair and overall body.
Fenugreek benefits for skin
- Glowing Skin:
The Vitamin C present in fenugreek seeds lightens the skin complexion and gives the skin a beautiful natural glow. Make a paste of soaked fenugreek seeds and apply it on your face as a mask for brighter, clear skin!
- Cleanses Skin:
Fenugreek seeds soaked in water overnight and blended into a paste works as a superb skin cleanser. Applying this paste as a mask on your skin cleanses it deeply.
- Facial Toner:
The water used in soaking fenugreek seeds can be used as a facial toner. Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight, then store that water in a spray bottle. Spray it on your clean face before applying moisturizer on your skin.
- Anti-Aging Properties:
These small golden seeds are imbued with compounds that keep your skin beautiful, young, and wrinkle-free. They kill the free radicals which cause wrinkles and dark spots on the skin.
- Moisturizes Skin:
These seeds nourish and moisturize the skin by removing all the dryness. Soak some fenugreek seeds in hot water overnight. In the morning, grind them with 2 tablespoons of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply this pack on your face and rinse it off after 15 minutes.
Fenugreek benefits for hair
- Prevents Hair Loss:
Fenugreek seeds are very effective in making the hair strong from their roots and dealing with the follicular problems. These seed fights irritation on the scalp and dandruff, which are two main reasons for hair loss. Just soak some fenugreek seeds for the whole night and blend them with some water and lemon juice. Apply this hair mask and then rinse off. You can also use these seeds with coconut oil and massage your hair with it.
- Fights Dandruff:
Fenugreek seeds with its antibacterial and antifungal properties can be really useful to treat an itchy scalp and dandruff. Using a mask made with fenugreek seeds is great to get rid of dandruff. For the mask, make a paste of soaked fenugreek seeds with some yogurt. Apply this paste on your hair leaving it for half an hour. Wash off. Repeat this process twice a week.
- Promotes Hair Growth:
Fenugreek seeds not only kill the bacteria and fungi present on the scalp but strengthen the hair follicles and promote hair growth. Blend 1/2 cup soaked fenugreek seeds, 1 tablespoon aloe Vera gel, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, and 6-7 drops of rosemary oil together. Apply this hair mask on your scalp. Let it sit for about 30-40 minutes before rinsing it off.
- For Shiny Conditioned Hair:
These seeds not only condition the hair strands but also their roots and follicles. Grind 1/2 cup soaked fenugreek seeds, 1/2 cup yogurt, lemon juice, and water together and make a thick paste. Apply this mask on your hair and wash your hair after 45 minutes with a mild shampoo.
- Prevents Premature Grey Hair:
The high content of potassium in fenugreek seeds makes it an important kitchen spice that is capable of tackling premature greying of hair. You can simply apply the paste of soaked fenugreek seeds on your hair and let it sit for about half an hour. Rinse off.
Fenugreek benefits for body
- Encourages Weight Loss:
If you want to shed those extra kilos, include fenugreek seeds in your diet! These seeds encourage a feeling of satiation and appetite suppression and weight loss. Soak one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in 2 glasses of water. Strain the water in the morning and drink this health tonic on an empty stomach.
- Helps In Digestion:
Consuming fenugreek seeds on a daily basis help improve bowel movements. They are widely known to fight against all the digestive problems and acid refluxes. These seeds are a good source of antioxidants and fiber, which help in flushing out dangerous toxins from the body. Drinking water in which fenugreek seeds are soaked is an ideal remedy to help indigestion.
- Reduce Your Cholesterol:
The fenugreek seeds lower the LDL cholesterol along with triglycerides without having any effect on the HDL levels. You can drink the water used for soaking these seeds to control your cholesterol.
- Improve Kidney Function:
Consuming fenugreek seeds is good for the better functioning of the kidneys. These seeds have polyphenolic flavonoids that boost kidney function and prevent the damaging of cells by forming a membrane around them.
- Lowers Risk of Heart Disease:
The presence of galactomannan in the fenugreek seeds makes it a good remedy to maintain heart health. The seeds also have a high amount of potassium that opposes the action of sodium and control heart rate and blood pressure.
With enormous benefits of fenugreek seeds, one can easily consume these seeds internally and can also apply the paste of these seeds externally to body and hair. RM spices one of the renowned masala manufacturing company in Guwahati sells the best quality fenugreek seeds and at a very reasonable price. Connect to us to know more about price and details.